Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Sharpen Your Mind's Power: A Getting Started Attitude

People the world over are beginning to seek ways to strengthen, renew, reconstruct, and revitalize the different faculties over their most powerful possession, the mind. Our ancient ancestors held a vast amount of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and know-how which has been stolen, hidden, and suppressed by those in higher areas of financial possession. These same possessed people do not want the regular people like me and you to lay hold of this most powerful information as it IS the key to not just life, but the key to ALL things our brain could ever know.

These four faculties that I mentioned will be discussed in a blog-style article which will be presented all over the web to help those and I start the processes of sharpening the mind's power. This means that I will be presenting various blog-style articles and the first is this one so please feel free to begin here but first I must inform you of one thing, I do use metaphors. These metaphors are not meant to confuse you, they will simply strengthen your mind as you go along because the very thought of the connection requires you to wonder. Wondering is the birthplace of Knowing.

The main thing you should know and understand is this: Your attitude is the vehicle that your mind drives. Let me repeat that, your attitude is the vehicle that your mind drives. When your mind is functioning properly, it is by reason that it is driving able to move about in a dependable, healthy vehicle. Yes, it may have been scratched and dented by accidents in life; however, this is where your beautiful mind power comes into play: Your attitude can clear all those scratches and dents up and be done with it! On the scene of every mental accident (yes, it is all mental) there is a scene clean-up crew on standby that I like to call my "brilliant resilient crew". They are always waiting for me to dispatch them onto the scene of my accidents. The only thing I am required to pay them is my attention. Now see, the problem with people who experience the accidents is that they are not realizing their crew even exists. They know that a situation occurred but they have no clue of how to diffuse it and move on positively and effectively without leaving or taking baggage from the scene of the accident. For these people, if they only knew how to focus their attention on getting the accident cleared up on the spot, the hit and runs and the long, drawn out fender benders could never take place and they'd realize that all of that clutter built up by accidents has sharpened their entire attitude about life and other people in a plethora of ways, most of which were not for the better. I encourage you to at this time to switch vehicles. What style and class of attitude will you ride in? What kinds of thoughts and ideas will you entertain as you drive?

When you take time to purposely and constructively pay attention to the things you are subconsciously telling yourself, you will take definitive action to become a better adviser to yourself. So what exactly do you tell yourself? Do you hear yourself cursing and damning your own intelligence? People do this every single day and don't even realize how often they commit these acts of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage causes division of mind and body and division of mind from body equals imbalance of the self, it often leads people to jail sentences. When a person is divided against him or herself it will not matter if the body is healthy or not because that person's entire mental capacity is scattered which is why people are often ridiculed as being "scatter-brained". When you purposefully and constructively begin advising yourself of how much better and great you are instead of damning yourself, you will feel it within your whole body, things will become clear, and your intelligence will be increased on various subjects of your own partaking.

Today, do not only tell yourself but write this short phrase of advisement down as many times you want to and at different times throughout the next 24-hour cycle. Say it to yourself every single time you get the chance and you will see as well as feel results in a very short time. I can do ALL things. Wisdom is the application of using knowledge intelligently. I know how to do it and I am doing it. I keep getting better at it! I can do ALL things! My attitude is the vehicle-my mind drives. I ride in style. I have class. This phrase of advisement can be your own secret or you can share it with those in your circle to help you them either become better or as a low-key tool to help you realize who is really for you and who is against you. Those who are not for you will begin to "fall off" and find destructive alliances elsewhere and the sharpened minds that are for you will finally find a place into your life. I wish you well so please feel free to contact me for more useful advisement tools that can assist you or someone you know with sharpening their mind. Remember to tell yourself: I can do ALL things. Wisdom is the application of using knowledge intelligently. I know how to do it and I am doing it. I keep getting better at it! I can do ALL things! My attitude is the vehicle-my mind drives. I ride in style. I have class. I can do ALL things.

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