Senin, 07 Januari 2013

A Good Leader Learns From Experience


I am sure that this article is read by a leader, not a beginner not someone who needs motivation to start. Only a leader would look for this kind of information to improve himself and his business or activity. How do you define a leader? Leader is the one who does what he is talking about (H. Nusshold) Very simple, and he is the one who is talking about what he does. That's why we should appreciate any experience of a good leader.

The first thing that experienced leaders say: you have to smile. No matter how talented and professional you are in what you do, no matter where you come from, no matter what your attitude is, you will have great success with a smile. If you don't agree with your interlocutor or partner, or you don't like what you hear, keep your emotions calm, stay rational and smile. Sometimes you even should agree and confirm what you hear in order to prove your point in the end. It will be very hard for you in the beginning, especially if you are a passionate speaker. It might be new for you, the entire attitude and behavior, but your look and reactions will be judged and either appreciated or declined.

People, who you address your program, speech or business plan to - will look at you with great attention. So a good leader has to have a proper outer as well as inner appearance. It doesn't mean you have to change your individuality. Such frame of mind will correct your position and will lead you to that desired goal.

It's hard to change anything or to start something new. There always will be fears and doubts. These rueful feelings come from the past, from previous experiences. Someone maybe failed in something, another person judged you for what you have done before, someone did not get enough support: these would be the factors that would take you back. So it is hard to begin changing with this package. But we all can dilute it. If we pour paints in a glass of water, it will become red (whatever the color is); and if we pour this glass into the ocean - no one will notice it (Jim Dornan).

We should mix our past failures with the new studies, with experience of other successful leaders, with our new experience. Use it to improve and develop your business.

We are used to always compare ourselves to others. There is a good story about two neighbors... One morning a wife was speaking with husband about their neighbor who did laundry and hanged the linens outside to get dry. The wife was astounded that the linens were so dirty. She even called her neighbor a sloven. That happened for few times. She kept judging the neighbor for doing a bad job with the laundry. In about a week of everyday judgments, husband started his day by washing a window without saying anything to his wife. So that day she was very happily surprised that her neighbor finally managed to succeed in making the linens clean.

The lady shouldn't have thought that her neighbor doesn't know how to do laundry. As a good leader you shouldn't judge partners, other leaders, team members, employees, methods in failures. A good leader learns from experience.

Part B. What's important to a leader in business?

In business it's very important to be sensitive to all the changes and to be open to any suggestions. To alter the situation you are in to a better one, to improve, to grow and develop - a good leader should be ready for the changes. And a good leader should start from himself. You need to learn how to change yourself, how to adapt, to look through a clean window. Clean your window, change yourself.

To change yourself and to start from the beginning means to define your position, your own attitude. Not self-assuredness is the key to success, but the confidence in what you do, self-devotion to this matter. Sometimes there will be challenges, there won't be any support from others, and maybe other people will even try to kill your belief, and you might start hesitating, think that it doesn't work, or even stop what you have started. Why this could happen? - Because you don't have your definite position about your business, preaching, or any other activity. But as soon as you have your own strong attitude - you will get to the end, to your goal. Those people who will try to shake your position will see this confidence in your eyes.

Plenty of knowledge on subject will not be as effective as confidence in what you do and how you express yourself. People will follow you, will follow this strong attitude. A good leader has a strong position only when he knows what he is talking about. Learn the basics; study the details that are important in developing your ideas, go to the bottom of the aspect. A leader spends certain period of time on learning and building his position on knowledge. He does everything necessary to be done and this time and energy investment will show the result he is looking for. 80% of your activity should be spent on getting to know your project.

A good leader defines his position, sets a goal, makes a plan on how to get that result and follows the plan right away step by step. Everyday devotion is very important. Stick to your plan and to your attitude. Do not change in the middle, don't give up. Remember, a good leader has a strong position.

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