Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

The Audacity of a Dream and How It Can Change the World

The world as we know it today is the culmination of the development of the dreams of those who had the audacity to believe that the impossible was actually possible. It wasn't easy for those who had visions of a better way of doing things. Many were regarded as crazy, outlandish, eccentric, laughable, and some were simply dismissed as nothing more than "dreamers". Arthur Schopenhauer correctly observed that, "Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, secondly it is violently opposed, and finally it is accepted as self evident."

We all remember the history lesson of how the first explorers believed that the Earth was flat and you could fall off the edge of the Earth. Then, someone had the audacity to suggest that the Earth was round and set off to prove it. Later, someone had the gall to suggest that a human being could escape the gravitational pull of the Earth and land safely on the Moon. Even later, some crazy fool thought that it would be possible to link the World through some crazy idea called the Internet. Today, we are exploring even crazier ideas such as the "God particle", the existence of worlds beyond our own solar system, and various ways to conquer and/or prevent disease.

Dreamers are different. They have the ability to suspend their disbelief or doubt. They reason that there must be a way and they just couldn't live with themselves if they didn't at least try. Often, these trials last many years but something inside pushes them onward. Dreamers are certain that they can bring the imagined into physical existence. The quest itself takes on a life of its own and brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction to the dreamer. The dreamer realizes that the actualization of the dream itself is merely steps away. Taking action keeps the dream alive and, with focused action, ultimately the dreamer is rewarded.


How can we do this better?

While Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, he is widely credited with being the pioneer of the mass production of automobiles. During the early 1900s the average consumer could not afford an automobile. Ford had a vision for making cars affordable to the public at large while efficiently assembling the product and thus enabling massive output, lower costs, and higher profits. While he was credited with the idea, the actual concept and development came from several of his employees, notably, Clarence Avery, Peter E. Martin, Charles E. Sorenson, and C. Harold Wills. The important thing is that Ford was always asking the question, "How can we increase efficiency and lower costs?" Again, the power of the mind at work and, more importantly, the collective power of several minds at work.

I have stories that I can tell on the big screen.

Lost in a sea of tourists and working as a tram operator, Anthony Zuiker came up with the idea for a TV series that focused on the forensics of criminal investigations. He was continually writing and, when coworkers would ask what he was doing, he would say that he had ideas for scripts he was working on. The cynics and naysayers dismissed him and even told him he wouldn't amount to anything. Years passed only to see those people eat their words when he became the Executive Producer of all three CSI franchises and would go on to acquire a net worth of approximately $100 million dollars. Further, the ideas he came up with provided entertainment for millions and produced jobs for thousands. A true testament to the truth that vision can become a reality.

How can I use my wealth and influence to enable a brighter future for children?

Oprah Winfrey had a dream. If there were a way to empower young girls to reach for something better and to become successful like herself, she would do it. Ms. Winfrey put her time, money, and influence to work to create an environment where little girls in Africa could learn to be leaders. The premise being that education would promote peace and prosperity. The result was the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. Again, because someone dared to dream and to take action, numerous people benefitted tremendously.

Why wait until I'm a senior citizen to enjoy retirement? What about multiple mini-retirements along the way instead?

When Tim Ferriss was in his 20's, he was, by many measures, already a success. But he didn't feel like one. He felt like his business was running him instead of the other way around. He had an online nutritional supplements company called BrainQUICKEN which he subsequently sold to a London based private equity firm. During this time, he felt like many business owners in that if he were to disappear for a few weeks and go and enjoy himself, the business would fall apart. But, Mr. Ferriss had a bit of the scientist gene in him and decided to test that theory.

What followed was experiments in disappearing for a while and coming back to see that the expected results (total disaster) never bore out. An idea was born that one could take mini retirements throughout their career whether you were a business owner or even worked for somebody. For those working, one could negotiate "remote working agreements" with their bosses and actually be in Spain working and the boss would never know.

Can I really be more than I am at this moment? Could I really make it a reality?

I think all of us at some time or another has been dissatisfied with our station in life whether it's finances, career, personal relationships, or something else. During these private moments, we have dreams of what we'd like to be or become. Unfortunately, we start listing to ourselves all the reasons why we can't pursue that dream. As a result, what may have been will never be. That's a tragedy because often when we follow our dreams, we also allow other people to believe that it's possible for them as well. Further, were the dream to become a reality (which happens every day), it could potentially benefit untold numbers of people. Think about the world that would exist if more people really went after what they wanted. The truth is that we all dream these dreams, but few act on it. My dream is that we all, myself included, pursue our dreams and, in the process, find ourselves in a new reality transported to a richer more satisfied world.

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