Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Learn How Eliminating This One Simple Food Can Help Reduce and Eliminate Your Stress!

According to a study conducted at the University of Irvine California, coffee and other drinks containing large amount of caffeine (like energy drinks) are one of the leading contributors of stress in our culture today. This is because caffeine is a mild stimulant, and the reason it "wakes you up" is because it is putting your body on edge.

Most of you know that our bodies have a natural "fight or flight" response to dangerous situations. However, what most people DON'T know is that this response kicks in during seemingly harmless situations, introduction to caffeine to the body is one of these situations. Stimulants (no matter how mild) trick your body into a kind of "fight" response which in turn causes stress on your body.

Interestingly enough if something causes you to get stressed out that ALSO puts your body into the fight or flight response mode. creating even more stress! It really is a horribly vicious cycle! The trick is figuring out HOW to get out of that cycle, and begin living a happy, healthy. and stress free life!

There is an exception to the caffeine rule however, and this is tea. Caffeine containing teas have a unique chemical structure that releases the energy over the course of five or so hours as opposed to the two hour release window of coffee and energy drinks. This short release is what causes physical stress and the all too familiar caffeine crash. But with tea the realease is so gradual that it really does act as a mild pick me up without the crash and side effects of coffee!

"This article is supposed to be about stress, why have you been talking about coffee so much?" Very good question. The reason this article has put such an emphasis on caffeine is because of one very important reason, I wished to illustrate a point. And that point is that even the smallest things can have disproportionately HUGE effects on your levels of stress and anxiety. There is a seemingly endless list of things that can have a major (negative) impact on your levels of stress, in fact there are so many that it completely impractical to attempt to cover them all. The more effective and worthwhile method is to identift root causes of stress, and how to defeat those. Once you learn this secret you will truly be on the path to living a stress and anxiety free life forever!

Until next time,

Triston Brooks

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