Senin, 11 Februari 2013

The Article That Says You Can

This could be a classic motivational article. But, to my surprise, it is going to be more than that or less and simpler than that, depending on your point of view. A winner is created by knowing we can do it and then doing it, sure. But something beyond that to make a winner is needed. A sense of activated and active faith at every level that works with the circumstances and not against them. That means persisting through temporary failures, and supposed setbacks to succeed at what you really want. If you quit and you really want what you were striving for, you never know your possibilities to succeed at what you want to succeed at. In fact, I can say that is why the full capacity of brain power is not used by many people, they quit too early, and get a glimpse of success or what it is really all about too late. Early, right time or late, the possibilities always exist for our discovery of them. That is also the point of this article.

The possibilities are always within us, but, we need to go with them with persistence. It does not matter about temporary slips and falls. As long as we can get back up and do what must be done to ultimately succeed.

My personal views added here: As existence exists all the time, each moment of existence that is conscious is another chance for us to succeed. Note, I did not say or mean anything about past lives or future lives, I am referring to what is happening now and the possibilities of now in existence. There, I just stopped a point of controversy of sorts there, by making clear what I mean by all this.

So, when I call this an article that says "you can", you know exactly and explicitly what I mean by "you can". Sure, I could make this a less clear, more beautiful, more complicated or complex article, but all the beautiful theory in the world cannot replace what works. Sure, I can theorize about unreality, and create some wonderful looking stuff, but until the laws behind what make that theory a reality are worked out, it is nothing. It is nothing but beautiful chatting and conjecture about what we want, not about the facts that work and the facts that are. With that said, when we find what works in reality, it is time to grow again. Because when something becomes too normal and entrenched, that is unhealthy too. So, I will skip to the reality of the dreamer who can make a reality out of theory or a dream of a better life and existence, and that will be the last exciting paragraph.

All realities start out as possibilities. Possibilities become realities only through consistent and persistent action that ignores the temporary failures and embraces the successes fully. After all, everybody remembers the baseball home run records of George Herman Ruth, Leroy Paige, Mickey Charles Mantle, then later Henry Louis Aaron, but not all the strike out records on the way there to their great records. On a more sickening note, the only way to avoid strike out records like the greatest had is to do it like Barry Lamar Bonds, Mark David McGwire and Samuel Peralta Sosa with their cheating through performance enhancing drugs. The point of this paragraph and the whole article is that, the only person who does is the one that genuinely does it and fulfills the possibilities in a real way. For the one who succeeds, sure there is much trying before the success, but there is always doing.

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