Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

What Is Emotional Fitness?

In the dating and seduction community there is a concept that nobody actually talks about and that is emotional fitness. Emotional fitness is a person's ability to deal with challenges that life presents in an optimistic approach. It's the ability to be in control of your actions and choices and having inner strength to be all that you can be. A person who is emotionally fit is able to stay calm when their hot buttons are pushed. A guy who is emotionally fit is able to stay cool and calm when a girl responds in a way he did not expect.

Ways to Develop Emotional Fitness

Do exercises at least 10 minutes every day- Physiology could be the cause of the many emotions you might be having at the moment.Exercising before you start your day will stimulate your metabolism and helps you think clearly. Exercising also helps get rid of negative emotions to help you stay positive and energetic throughout the day

Avoid sitting the whole day-Sitting all day long could lead to the buildup of negative emotions. Stand up, stretch or take a walk to help clear your mind of any negative feeling. Negative feelings build up when you are sitting more than when you are out and about.

Another simple yet effective way to ensure you develop emotional fitness is breathing deeply and taking enough water. Breathing deeply will help you calm down if you are in an anger fit. Breathe in and count up to five before you react to a situation.This will help you be in control of the situation rather than responding without thinking and regretting later. Ensure you do a few deep breathing exercises for your well-being throughout the day. Drinking enough water will remove toxins from the body for the normal functioning of the body. Not taking enough water will make you cranky and will diverge you from being emotional fit.

Say out loud the things you are grateful for. This will help take your focus from negative emotions and self talk. When you are truly grateful for everything good that you have achieved in your life, it's hard to be upset as being aware of great things that you have achieved will give you positive feelings. There are many things you could be grateful for from being able to see and admire what nature has to offer to having a good family or parents that care and love you. We all have different things that we are grateful for and it's up to you to choose the ones you want to recite and focus on.

Most of the time and when you can, only talk to people who are positive emotionally often. Emotions are transmittable and it's not easy to stay positive and strong-minded in difficult times when the people who are around you are angry, resentful or scared. If you can avoid negative people and stay around positive people.

Emotional fitness should not be underestimated, it's often disregarded, but it affects all aspects of your life.

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