Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Share Your Enthusiasm! 3 Keys to Add More Joy in Your Life

Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto. ~ Dale Carnegie

Where's your enthusiasm? Are you excited about life? Or have you fallen into the rut of complacency, going day by day with no real dream and nothing to be enthusiastic about? If so, it's time to re-examine your life and your lifestyle.

Have you ever been to a professional baseball game? It's exciting to see thousands of people cheering, enjoying the mouthwatering smell of popcorn and hot dogs, and hoping for a chance to catch a foul ball. Game fans are enthusiastic! They've got painted faces and team jerseys. They live, eat and breathe the sport.

So, what excites you?

  • A new car
  • A vacation
  • Dinner out
  • A visit from a relative or friend

Those are all wonderful, but you should be just as excited about your mission, your future and your success. You need to find something that 'lights your fire', something that excites your emotions and pulls you toward a dream or goal. Enthusiasm is the fuel that keeps your creative abilities flowing. It is the difference between a good life and a great one.

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek; it means God (Ethos) inside (en, iasm). In other words, it is God's gift to you. He expects you to use it for your benefit and His glory. Enthusiasm for God's Word and His ways provides strength and motivation to walk in love and live according to His precepts. Enthusiasm toward God is joy - a fruit of the Spirit. Joy is always enthusiastic. The joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh. 8:10). Joy and rejoicing are Divine exercise, like a work-out in your spiritual gym. Rejoice often for maximum results.

Enthusiasm is a key character trait of successful people. Doers are excited about their vision - and transmit that excitement to others. Enthusiastic people enjoy the moment, live life to the fullest, and look forward with anticipation.

Can you imagine a marathon runner who constantly complains, "I hate running." Do you think she would win a race or even improve her personal best? I don't think so. Enthusiasm partners with determination to accomplish the result you desire. It doesn't count the difficulties. Instead, it causes you to grin and persevere! It gives you the supreme satisfaction of accomplishment.

Excitement and enthusiasm are contagious. They draw people to you and increase your influence. Enthusiasm increases belief and support from others. There is no better prescription for success than enthusiastic optimism.

As you get excited about your vision - your dream - enthusiasm eliminates procrastination. It improves your focus and keeps you on course. It helps you overcome difficulties. Enthusiasm, in a very real sense, is faith. It taps into God's power within you to help you realize your dreams.

Enthusiasm & Self-Esteem

Enthusiasm adds emotion to knowledge and transforms interest into action. Positive action is important to feelings of self-worth. Enthusiastic people are optimistic, outgoing and excited. They smile more. A positive attitude is contagious. It attracts people. It widens your sphere of influence and blesses others with your positive energy. Enthusiasm says, "I feel good about myself".

Enthusiasm in Your Relationships

Listlessness and apathy are relationship killers. Instead, get excited about spending time with others. Find activities that you can share in enthusiastically. Be appreciative. Actively look for ways to bless those around you. Make it a game. "How many things can I do today to bless somebody?" Big, small; it doesn't matter. Look for them! Let your joy come out in service to others.

Enthusiasm for Your Future

Joy and enthusiasm anchor your future. You still have much to accomplish in this world, no matter what your age or ability. Get involved. As St. Paul said, forget what's behind, focus forward (Phil. 3:13). There's always a prize if you search for it!

3 Keys to Strengthen Your Enthusiasm

First, ignore the negatives. Yes, ignore. Push them right out of your mind. Tell yourself firmly, "I will not be defeated and I will not quit!" Someone will always try to tell you that you can't. (They don't want you to succeed and make them look bad.) Enthusiasm affirms that you CAN. It is a choice made by faith. Emotions follow the decision to be positive and enthusiastic. It is, first of all, an act of will. You will never succeed if you keep telling yourself how much you don't want to do something. Stay positive.

Second, live from your heart not your head. Your heart (spirit) is connected to Divine Spirit. God is the infinite Source and Wisdom for every dream and vision. Think: God inside. He placed those dreams and desires inside you. He wants you to have them. Keep your focus on His plan, and move forward, one step at a time. If you give in to your own mind-chatter (all those negative thoughts than run 'round in your head), enthusiasm becomes fear and doubt. Negative thoughts (followed by negative emotions) stop focused activity. Like the first step, you must DECIDE which side you're on - "Yes, I can!" or "No, I can't."

Third, don't be afraid to laugh - at yourself, at your setbacks, at the roadblocks that try to stop you. Laughter releases stress and gives you a fresh outlook on your situation. If you train yourself to laugh despite the circumstances, you can never be defeated. Laughter is an outward expression of inward joy and optimism. It is medicine for your soul and spirit (Prov.17:22).

Enthusiasm is your key to a wonderful life. Don't allow depression, apathy or complacency any space. Make the choice (and it is a choice) to be excited about life. You will soon find that... the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the works of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful (Deut. 16:15 AMP).

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