Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Life Needs Positive Energy

1. Don't escape from the problem. The best way to evade a problem is to attempt to solve it. It sounds easy, but it is hard to make it. When we are in trouble, we are likely to fall into distraction, grief, pain, depression, and hesitation. However, this is what life is all about. As time goes on, we adapt ourselves to something new and challenging. So we are tempered into the person who we are by life.

2. Stop deceiving yourself. We can lie to anyone, but ourselves in this world. Only when we seize the opportunity, can life be changed greatly. To achieve this goal, the first thing as well as the most difficult part we should try is to be honest to yourself.

3. Don't always put your own needs on the back. The most painful thing is losing yourself and forgetting that you are special in the process of love someone too much. Nothing is wrong with helping others; but remember to help yourself. If you neither follow your own passion nor do something important to you, seize the moment now.

4. Stop trying to be someone you are not. One of the greatest challenges in your life is being yourself in a world that is trying to turn you into others. Someone will always be prettier, or smarter, or younger than you. But they never be you. Don't change so people will like you. Just be yourself and the right person will love the real you.

5. Do not indulge in the past. Memory is a wonderful thing if you can let the past go. You will be unable to tell a new story if you indulge yourself in the past.

6. Stop blaming yourself for the mistakes you made in the past. No matter how far or outrageous your mistakes went, one thing is certain: mistakes can help us get back on track. All of us are likely to make mistakes, encounter difficulties, even regret a past thing. But everything that you are experiencing now is preparing for your future unknown.

7. Don't idle away your precious time. Stop thinking too much, or you will create a new problem. Make a assessment to your situation, and then take actions decisively. You have to take a risk if you want to go ahead.

8. Stop thinking you are not ready yet. No one will be 100% ready when the opportunity comes. Because most of the opportunities in life will kick us off the accustomed idleness or comfort. This means we won't feel free or easy in the beginning.

9. Don't compete with others. Stop worrying that others will do better than you. Concentrate on what you are doing and try to break your own record every day. Success is just a war between you and yourself.

10. Stop being jealous of others. Envy is the art of counting the happiness of others instead of your own. Ask yourself: " What is something I have that others want?"

11. Don't repeat the same thing without taking a break. The busier you are, the more important the rest. If you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same result. Sometimes, you need a distance to see clearly.

12. Stop overlooking the beauty of tiny moments. Enjoy the tiny things, and you will find that they are something profound to you when you look back one day. The most wonderful part in life is the trivial and indescribable moment when you smile to someone important to you.

13. Don't pretend that everything is OK when you are unhappy. Occasional breakdown is not impossible. Don't always pretend to be tough, because there is no need to prove that everything is going well. Leave what others think about it alone, and cry whenever you want! Relieving your feelings by tearing is of great benefit to yourself. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will smile again.

14. Stop worrying too much. Worry will not alleviate the burdens tomorrow, but steal away the joys today. Here is a way to judge whether something is worthy of your deep consideration: "Does it matter a year later, or three years later, even five years later?" If the answer is no, then it doesn't worth your anxiety.

15. Don 't concern what you don't want to happen. Focus on what cultivate and motivate you. Every successful legend tells a positive attitude. Think about the funny thing when you wake up in the morning. You will notice that the truth is what you hope.

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