Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

5 Tips To More Positive Thinking

Many of us are our own worst enemies, we are constantly stopping ourselves from reaching our potential by listening to and believing the negative self-talk that goes on in our heads. We are what we think we are. Henry Ford once said 'Whether you think you can or you think you can't, your right!' By making a concerted effort to think more positively, we fill our minds with thoughts, words and images that are conducive to growth and success. By expecting happiness, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action, it will be more likely to manifest in reality.

If you want to stop limiting your own potential, give these 5 tips to more positive thinking a go.

1. Decide to be positive

Taking that vital first step in deciding to be a more positive person is often the hardest one. Make a conscious choice to conquer the negativity that exists both around you and in you. No matter how dismal your life seems at the moment the choice to be more positive is 100% up to you.

2. Make positive self-talk a habit

Be your own personal cheerleader. Encourage yourself with daily positive affirmations. They can help develop a positive mindset, improving your emotional well-being and self-esteem, thereby putting you in a better position to achieve your goals.

3. Avoid negative people

Surround yourself with caring, positive individuals who will support you and encourage you to disregard all that negative self-talk. Unfortunately often when you decide to make positive changes in your life the dream stealers, often in the form of family and friends, will attempt to pull you back to where you were because they are uncomfortable with change even if it is positive. Negativity is contagious. Avoid being around those who sap your energy and motivation with their relentless negativity. If you are finding little support within your current circle than perhaps you could consider attending a personal development seminar or look into working with a life or personal success coach.

4. Listen to or read positive material

There are so many options when it comes to filling your life with positive material. You can listen to audiobooks or read books from some of the great personal development people of all time such as Brian Tracy, Zig Zigler, Tony Robbins, and the list goes on. There are many free options on the internet via YouTube and free eBooks, courses available, all you have to do is a search for a particular topic that interests you such as positive thinking, achieving goals, personal development, self-esteem, emotions, success or similar.

5. Try new things

Nothing cures fear better than forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. One of my own favourite personal development books is Susan Jeffers book 'Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway' Trying new things and new experiences can do wonders to enhance your positive outlook on life. The sense of achievement that comes from learning a new skill like drawing, singing or dancing for example will elevate mood and self-esteem.

Reprogram your brain to replace all negative thoughts with positive ones will not happen overnight, remember you have established this negative self-talk habit over your whole lifetime however by practicing these simple tips you will be off to a good start.

And I'll leave you with another quote from Henry Ford which says 'If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!'

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