Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Lead With Strong Able Leadership Demonstrating Care Concern and Compassion for Others

Many struggle and battle with the teaching of Jesus Christ, in what is called the Sermon on the Mount. Is it possible to sum it up for leaders and for those aspiring to leadership? Yes, it is, because we so need leaders who can work and lead and serve with a different quality and dimension of leadership.

To some in positions of leadership the very thought of serving is abhorrent and appalling. Why is that? Emotions and feelings can run high and pride can be great leveller.

Revenge is the way of the world, but Jesus teaches his disciples a radically different way to live. This is a well known section of what is called The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5 in the New Testament part of the Bible, and it is central to the life and teaching of Jesus.

Jesus is dealing with scribal and rabbinical misinterpretations and that can happen today as people have a totally wrong view of spiritual leadership and what it means to be loving and filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and if you seek to serve with the anointing love of God, you will be strong and bold and courageous.

This is the first time 'love' has been mentioned, when we come to the latter part of Matthew Chapter 5, and that is not a love that is soft or flabby or effeminate. This is a manly love.

This teaching was not hypothetical. These disciples would soon be maligned, criticised, insulted, mocked, persecuted and imprisoned. Some were flogged and killed.

We are to love our enemies by our words and we are to bless those who curse us. It is not easy to reply to insults with compliments.

We are to love our enemies by our deeds, and do good to those who hate us. Now, that is seldom easy, but Jesus Christ never said it would be easy.

We are to love our enemies by praying for them. Try that in your business world or University or Finance House, where there may just be someone who keeps trying to have a go at you and get you down.

Hate multiplies hate. Have you ever noticed that? Hate leads to quarrelling and unkindness and misery and bullying and even warfare.

Hate is self-destructive. Hate twists and distorts our mind and personality.

Hatred never turns an enemy into a friend. That is obvious when it is stated but many are totally unaware of that reality.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was a powerfully loving leader and who was exciting to be with, explains that to love our enemies is to follow Him and to imitate our Father in heaven.

Love marks us out from other people in the world.

Jesus demonstrated His love, supremely in His death. He was abused, beaten, tortured, illegally tried and crucified.

With dignity, Jesus faced all that and prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

He taught that we should be perfect or complete, which means being or becoming fully developed or maturing and matured.

Jesus Christ did not want His disciples to settle for second best. He does not want you to settle for second best either.

Lead with strong able leadership demonstrating care and concern and compassion for others as well as exercising that ability to do and accomplish and achieve the highest and finest example of which you are capable, as you use the talents and gifts within you.

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