Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Self Help Motivation: Help To Motivate Yourself Better

It can be a big struggle to stay motivated. This is because our drive is continuously assaulted by harmful thoughts as well as anxiety as regard the future. Everyone experiences doubt and depression at times. However, the capacity to keep moving onward is what determines our success in life.

The solution to lack of motivation is rather complicated as even after defeating it, the problem resurfaces at the first indication of failure. However, the key to motivation is to understand your thoughts as well as how they influence your emotions. One can gain self motivation through learning how to cultivate motivating thoughts, counteract negative ones as well as focusing on the activity at hand.

Reasons for lack of Motivation

There are basically three reasons why we lose motivation:

• Lack of confidence: an individual doesn't see the point of trying something when they believe they cannot succeed.

• Lack of focus: when an individual fails to know what they want, then they aren't able to focus on anything.

• Lack of direction: an individual cannot be motivated to do anything if they don't know what to do.

How to Boost Confidence

Lack of confidence comes about when one focuses wholly on what one wants and ignoring what one already has. In this way, the mind formulates explanations as to why one is not getting what they want and this lead to creation of negative thoughts. The mind becomes dominated by past failures, terrible breaks as well as personal weaknesses.

One becomes jealous of their competitors and begins making excuses for their failure. In this condition, one tends to create a bad impression, imagine the worst as regard others as well as lose self confidence.

The only solution to this thought pattern is to focus on gratitude. One should set aside time to focus on all positive things in his/her life. One should create a mental list of his/her strengths, past achievements as well as recent advantages.

Developing tangible Focus

Most people often focus on what they don't want instead of concrete goal. They usually think in terms of fear such as fear of being poor, being alone and of not being respected. The setback with this kind of thoughts is that fear by itself is not actionable. Rather than doing something as regard our fear, it nourishes itself and depletes our motivation.

The solution to this is focusing on a clear goal as well as defining a set of actions to achieve our goals. For example, if one has a fear of being poor, make a plan to boost your income through engaging in various activities. The key should be moving from an intangible want to real, measurable steps. The brain is stimulated through focusing the mind on concrete goal rather than on ambiguous fear as it immediately starts developing a plan for success. Rather than worrying as regard the future you begin to do something as regard it. When one knows what they want, they become motivated to take action.

Developing Direction

Direction involves having a daily strategy to achieving your concrete goal. Lack of direction leads to lose of motivation as lack of a clear next action result to laziness. The solution to this is identifying a set of activities that can result to success. There are usually activities that can lead to success and those that cannot in every goal. Create a list of all activities as well as arrange them based on outcome. Subsequently, create an action plan which focuses on the activities that produce the most outcomes. Keeping track of your most vital activities will result to more success.

In conclusion, you can maintain your motivation as well as propel yourself to success by protecting yourself from the top three causes of lack of motivation.

2 komentar:

  1. Interested in gaining self-confidence and inner strength to help you deal with the daily affairs of your life? Read our Self Development | Self Help Motivational Blog

  2. self motivation is a key factor of self improvement luck rans out, moeny runs out but one that knows how to mkotivate himself will reach the target!
