Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Finding Your Life's Purpose

"I believe there's a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware and awakened to answer the call". Oprah Winfrey.

After taking some time off to "find myself" I realized that being able to know exactly what you are really meant to do here on earth is a process that may take some time. There are people who know their life's calling right from when they were youngsters while some found themselves as they grew older. Sadly, some people will never find themselves and may keep trying to figure out their purpose.

"What do you do?" This is one of the first questions that new acquaintances ask. Hmm, according to how you answer that question, they will either be very excited to see you and want to spend quality time in your presence or simply look at their watch and feign an emergency and tell you that they "gotta go".

Whether we choose to believe it or not, we live on a planet where we are simply defined by our type of work.

Being employed is one thing, finding your true calling is another thing entirely!

Some people would rather die than attend their college or high-school reunion. And when they do attend these social gatherings, they do the next "best" thing in order to feel better about themselves, they "LIE". They lie about their true position in the company they work in, they lie about how much they earn, they lie about the neighborhood that they live in, they even lie about where they shop!

Yes, it can be very liberating for those people who have found their calling - even if their calling does not make them millions of dollars. But the major problem for a large number of people is that they simply do not know what they are meant to do. Some people earn thousands of dollars a month and still go to bed with a feeling of emptiness.

Yes, it is very SCARY to even think that you will go through life missing out on your true calling. Life is short, before you know it, you have graduated college (with two degrees), you are married with children and you are planning on retiring from the job you absolutely DETEST (with a passion) - the thought is quite tormenting.

Everyone thinks that you have to be young and perky in order to find and run with your calling. Now, the question "Is it possible to find my true calling at any stage in my life?"

The answer is a big fat YES!

Finding your true calling depends on how far you are willing to go to in order to do those things that give you joy - even if it does not seem lucrative (at first).

Who Cares What Other People Think? -News Flash! You Do!

There will always be mean people on earth - and don't you forget it!

Finding your true calling will require you to have some level of confidence in yourself and in your abilities to make things happen.

Having confidence in yourself is like wearing a bullet-proof vest, without it, it'll be pretty much like being in the middle of a shootout without any form of bodily protection.

Have you ever wondered why we react to negative comments from people? Think about it, why do we obsess so much over one nasty comment from someone who is obviously jealous of our skill, talent, looks, presence and other abilities?

The Gist

Mary was invited for a dinner party at her boss' house on Saturday evening. She really wanted to make a good impression, so she went to the mall and picked out a nice knee length gown that accentuated her curves. She looked so great, that 3 other shoppers wanted the same dress. When she got to the venue of the party, everyone said she looked really nice except one of the girls who work in the company's Human Resources Department, who told her (Mary) that she looked like a "call girl". Mary was immediately upset and felt really self conscious until she left the party.


Why was Mary upset? Everyone else at the party complemented her outfit and said she looked gorgeous. Why did she allow one single comment from someone who may be jealous of her to affect her so much?

Some people live to say mean things about other people. You may want to follow your dream, but there is the voice of Ashley Von-know-it-all telling you that you have no business finding your true passion, because he or she thinks that your supposed calling is plain silly.


Not everybody will think that you are smart enough or good enough to pursue your life's calling - and that includes your parents!

Hold your head up high and start to pay attention to the things that make you (and other around you) happy.

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