Kamis, 06 September 2012

Stopping the Anxiety Cycle


To overcome your anxiety you need to learn how to break your automatic and habitual cycle of fear that keeps you stuck. By now you know what the cycle is and how it’s all playing out inside your mind. The trouble is, it happens very quickly and can easily become automatic behavior that occurs without any conscious thought. What’s critical for you to realize, is that in between the thought that causes your amygdala to react and your fear response, is what I call “The Pause”. There’s a measurable time period, maybe not a long time, perhaps only a second, but a definite moment in between the anxious thought and your reaction. One of your goals is to learn to increase The Pause and give yourself room to make a decision about what to do next, instead of simply reacting with anxiety just because that’s what you may be used to doing.

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Source : http://www.yubster.com/doc/224/stopping-the-anxiety-cycle.html

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