Kamis, 08 November 2012

Improve My Life?

»How we feel depends on What we think.« This might not surprise you, cause you already knew it. But the question is how can you control your feelings. Is it even possible?
What if you already had all the power to control your feelings ... would you use it?
To understand this option let's take a look at how our mind »power« works. Long story short it is all about our »thought path«. Every single thought has a start, travels through our mind and runs out. It can start in two different ways. One way is a routine or a reflex. The second is our conscious decision. We can describe the first way as a part of »go with the flow« mode or as a part of our experience. In both situations The thought simply appears and quickly shows us the result – kind of a feeling.
For example if we practice using a new keyboard or remote control long enough, it gets in our routine (smth. we are used to). Then we don't need to look on a remote control each time to push the right button and change the tv program. The good news is, we shorten the time of every day routines ... can you imagine what would happen if every time you wanted to cook spaghetti you would need to read a manual on »How to do this«.
Another example is based on »social proof« and I set this one as a part of go with the flow mode. It means you do smth. in a common way without a doubt and without a question, cause everyone does it like this. For example you eat more vegetables cause it's good for your health and everyone says so, so it must be good, right? But did you ask yourself how those veggies have been produced? The producer might have used a little bit of pesticides to »help« grow those plants. I won't even mention clones or dead water and soil. In this case let me say I agree Go with the flow could mean go towards the goals. The question is whose goals ... from others maybe?
The second way, conscious decision making, I call »Go with Your flow«. In this case we take control of setting our focus and all feelings are only up to us. So, shouldn't we master this way in order to live our way? Ok, what is the way now? In order to take charge of our mind-focus, we need to direct it. Isn't this great news ... to become a director? And what is the main job or how the hack is it possible to direct ourselves? It should be easy. The whole hint is in setting the right questions.
And what can questions do for us?
Let's see ... when we ask ourselves, we start a new thought. And we demand to get an answer, right? When we ask, our mind starts to focus on searching results... it works like an internet browser. Depending on our mind patterns – these are like web database – we produce answers. The rest you probably know... it wouldn't be funny if an answer existed without a bonus – feelings.
It sounds easy, I know. And it is easy, if we live in specially designed area with no distractions, maybe somewhere in Himalaya. But otherwise... it's a bit more difficult. But hey, that's the fun life offers us.
You don't need to push yourself. While practicing »Do what excites you« start asking yourself empowering questions. For example How can I do this, Where can I search for help, Who has already done this? And for god sake don't repeat disempowering questions like Why me or Why did this happen to me ... this sounds like »You wish to drink a cold water while opening a tap of hot one« - it won't be cold, right?

How to Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones

You probably know something about the influence of habits in your life. However, you may not realize how strongly they affect you until you try to change them. Don’t worry. You’re not alone if you struggle to quit a bad habit or establish a good one. In this article, we’ll explore the three factors that create habits and three powerful strategies to replace your bad ones with good ones.

Noted psychologist William James once noted that, “We are mere bundles of habits.” From the time you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you’ll run through an astonishing number of habitual routines. Unless you stop to notice that, you probably won’t, because these routines have become subconscious and automatic. They go unnoticed because you don’t have to pay attention to them. Habitual routines are a great way to save energy and efficiently get stuff done.

Your habits may be cued, or triggered, by the time of day, your location, what you are feeling, what you are doing, and who you are with. For example, some habits (like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, getting dressed, drinking coffee, eating breakfast, and kissing family members good-bye) are triggered when you wake up to get you ready for the day ahead. Some habits are triggered when you arrive at school, work, or the gym. Some are triggered by inner sensations such as hunger, thirst, boredom, fatigue, sadness, loneliness, or excitement. Others are triggered by being with specific people or doing specific activities. Habits can be triggered by some combination of any or all of these cues.

According to the most current research on habits, there are three factors that create a habit: the cues that trigger it, the behavioral routine that responds to that cue, and the reward that the behavior seeks to bring you. Together these form the habitual loops that repeat automatically whenever the appropriate cues are triggered.

If you have bad habits that you want to quit, it’s important to understand what cues you to automatically engage in that behavior. It’s also helpful to know what reward you are seeking from it. If you are trying to create a new good habit, it’s important to know how to support that habit by consciously cuing and rewarding the behavior you desire.

So, how can you apply this knowledge to either quit an old habit or establish a new one?

If you want to quit a habit, you can begin by understanding what reward you are seeking from the behavior you’re engaged in. For example, are you smoking for the chemical or oral stimulation, the social interaction, or for a break from sitting at your desk? If you can get a handle on what is driving your habit, you may be able to find a substitute activity that will give you the same reward, without the negative side-effects. The goal is to put a new behavior in the middle of your familiar cues and rewards. Substitution can be a really successful strategy.

For example, when you are cued by location, time, activity, inner feeling, or other people to engage in your “smoking behavior,” you could substitute chewing gum, taking a walk with friends or co-workers, or drinking green tea in place of smoking. You can experiment with what behavior can give you the reward you’re seeking without the negative consequences you want to avoid.

If you have a new behavior that you want to make into a habit, see if you can insert it into a familiar routine. For example, you could insert meditation into your waking-up routine, your lunch-time routine, or your going-to-bed routine. You could insert working out into your getting-the-day-started routine by putting your workout clothes next to your bed; or into your driving-home-from-work routine by putting your gym bag in the front seat of your car and visiting the gym on the way home. If you can tie your new behavior to cues that are already in place and other activities that you already do, you’re more likely to be successful.

If you’re still having trouble getting started, see if you can anticipate the reward you want from your new behavior and imagine how good that will feel. This is a great strategy to get yourself over that initial hump of inertia. I use that one all the time to get me started on my workouts.

One more important insight about creating new habits: certain habits have tremendous power to positively affect other habits in other areas of your life. These are called “keystone habits.” When you establish a keystone habit, you’ll notice that you are more deliberate, intentional, and successful in everything else you do. Establishing a keystone habit is another potent strategy.

One of the most amazing keystone habits is meditation. When you insert even a short meditation into your waking-up routine, you’ll discover that not only do you feel better to start the day, but you do everything more consciously. You become more relaxed and present in whatever you’re doing. As a result you are much more effective and enjoy it all the more. Meditation builds inner skills that supercharge the other changes you’d like to make in your life.

To learn a mini-meditation that you can use to quickly shift into a relaxed positive state, check out the Resource Box below.

Where Does Healing Come From? Self, Medicine, Energy Repair, Prayer, Angels, God?

Inner Peace:

What is inner peace? From my thirty years of Primal Therapy and counting, I learned that emotional inner peace is when you are non-struggling, have no defenses and have no tension in your body. As my therapist Tracee put it. When you attain inner peace, you handle life like a gently running stream that bounces off sets of rocks in the water and proceeds on its way ─ unfazed. From my twelve years plus of climbing the spiritual ladder, inner peace has an entirely different definition than the one I learned about in therapy. It is discovering God and developing an unshakable faith, trust, and love in Him while you gain an incredible self worth and self esteem for yourself. Once you start climbing the spiritual ladder, you will reach a point where you find yourself requesting to be guided by God. You actually merge with God so that you never face anything alone even when it seems that He is not there. No matter what happens, good or bad, you then accept life because all events turn out as they should.

When everything was finally running smoothly in the present after a lifetime of physical and mental torture due to a neurotic upbringing followed by a relentless Bipolar Disorder, I felt that I actually was very close to achieving total emotional and spiritual inner peace. The bottom fell out when my wife Marcia died of liver cancer almost eighteen months ago. My unshakable faith in God remained but my emotional stability virtually disappeared. Though her soul from the spirit world is in constant communication with me by direct thought-energy telepathy, a deep sadness set in with my love and soul mate no longer with me in our physical world.

I realize now that having just the spirituality part is not enough to give me complete inner peace because God gave me human emotions. From what I have read about the famous Chassidic rabbis of past generations, just about all of them were happy spiritual souls living unhappy lives. I take this to mean that when we choose to live in the passion of the physical world, we will have moments of happiness and periods of unhappiness. If you abdicate from the physical world, as Buddhism preaches, it is true that you can find peace solely in the spiritual world. However, when you choose to live in the physical world, you bury as much pleasure as you do pain.

If you have followed my writings on our website and books, you will realize that God has a fail-safe plan to give those of us who have acquired spirituality ─ eternal life in the Messianic Age. It occurred to me while writing this article that His plan also guarantees happiness. Marcia and I wrote in Putting God Into Einstein’s Equations: Energy of the Soul that happiness like love originates in the Divine soul energy of your heart. The additional soul energy that God will provide those worthy to be admitted into the Messianic Age will not only give us eternal life but also a blissful and joyful life. In the Bible, God states through His Prophets that He will give us a new heart and a new spirit. Our interpretation of this prophesy is that God will open our hearts to receiving more soul energy in the form of a new spirit, a new soul. We shall truly become spiritual beings living a human life and not just human beings having a spiritual experience.

Peace of Mind:

While we are awaiting the future Messianic Age, we still have to live in this world. We need peace of mind when a crisis strikes and the bottom falls out as it did for me when I lost Marcia. Peace of mind is one step below inner peace, but we humans will take whatever we can get because we desperately need some semblance of tranquility. Otherwise no day will seem worth living and we shall be passing through life in agony until a moment in time beckons us to depart this earth. I believe that God is in charge of death and if He decides that He wants to retrieve our soul from either our diseased or healthy body, nothing in Heaven or on Earth can prevent us from dying. Moreover, we don’t even have to die. In the Bible God takes Elijah the Prophet to heaven while he is still alive. It is written that Elijah will enter the walled city of Jerusalem to proceed the Messiah by a matter of a few days to herald in God’s future Messianic Age.

Suppose your peace of mind is being trampled on by a bout with cancer. Wouldn’t you want to know that after medical treatment you are one-hundred percent healed and that your cancer will never return again? No doctor can make such an optimistic claim. They can only offer you possibilities and probabilities because that’s what the future is ─ a series of probabilities. If the peace of mind can’t be absolute, then we‘ll usually settle for the next best thing ─ partial comfort and more time on this earth. I think it’s so wrong for doctors to give a time limit on a spiritual person’s life when God holds the keys to the kingdom on birth and death.

If given a choice to be healed by yourself, other human beings like your traditional doctor and holistic practitioner, or God, would you choose God or a combination of treatments that includes God’s help? If you were a non-believer and anti-God the chances are that you would not call upon God even if He was your last chance to survive and live. Then again if it really came down to that final moment when all your usual anti-God hoopla and rhetoric couldn’t keep away the panic and terror crawling inside your loins, you might then cry out to God or at least have silent thoughts about a Higher Power Who could save you. Is the old adage true, “There are no atheists in foxholes?” Most people, believers and disbelievers, cling to life in this physical world with all of their might.

Self, Angelic Healing, and Prayer:

How is it possible to heal yourself? We’ve heard many stories about clinical drug trials where if a person believes that she will get well, she improves even though she never received the active drug in the double blind study. Medicine has termed this the placebo effect. The same is true in many cases of staying mentally focused to get through your illness. Positive-minded individuals generally have a better outcome than those who are pessimistic about their fate. Studies have also shown that when you pray to God by yourself or if others who you don’t personally know pray for you in intercessory prayer, you do better with the prognosis of your sickness. Why? What’s behind this?

As a scientist, I hypothesize that each of us are endowed by our Creator with not only an energy soul life force but also angelic energy. This celestial energy is not found in the Devil or in any persons’ souls the Devil has co-opted either voluntary or involuntary. I can’t prove my hypothesis by traditional scientific experiments but based upon the premise that our bodies are vitalized by Divine soul energy, I can suggest the existence of angelic energy. For reference, see my recent article, “All About Energy and Energy Transfer” in The Weissman Report. If I ask my soul and God where the location of this angelic energy is, I can repeatedly measure this energy flowing counterclockwise directly above the navel. If I ask what’s the percentage of our total soul energy that this angelic energy represents, we each start out with 1 percent angelic energy. However, some people may be gifted by God so that they have significantly more angelic energy that can be used to self heal and heal others.

Nothing is absolute or one-hundred percent but if angelic energy does exist within us, as I propose, then it could explain how praying to God and being positive can activate this angelic energy within our bodies to heal us. Having a negative outlook might not do this nor may the angelic energy be activated if one is positive without belief in God. There has to be advantages to believing in God and being spiritual. And if you do believe, you might be healed even if you are pessimistic about the outcome of your illness. A biblical quote comes to mind. “God offers His fragrance to all but His wine is reserved for those who are spiritual and wish to be guided by Him.”

Other Healers:

When I retired with Marcia to Florida, my atrial fibrillation tachycardia was really bad and my heart was beating almost three hundred beats a minute. After an unsuccessful appointment with a Miami doctor, my cousin Roberta referred me to Dr. Weiss who was a specialist in electrophysiology. Dr. Weiss is also an Orthodox Jew and is now living in Israel. When I first saw him, I noted the skullcap on his head. When he was taking down my medical history, I said that I was going to leave my fate up to God. I have never forgotten what he replied in response to my statement of faith. “God made doctors for a reason.”

What we discussed above for angelic healing is very different than those who “heal” through clearing blocked, stagnant or negative energy in you by passing positive energy into you. This is not angelic energy but soul energy. Healers that come to mind are those who practice Reiki, Qigong, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors and a category I term “freelancers” without any specialty. However, as I discussed in All About Energy and Energy Transfer, one must always be aware that energy flow is bidirectional. If you pass someone positive energy, you will receive the negative energy from that person. Therefore the next person you treat could be receiving a mixture of positive and negative energy unless you have a way to remove the negative energy. All bets are off when you are talking about dark evil energy of the Devil because this is not easily removed by traditional mechanisms.


In biblical times Jesus and the Prophet Elijah among others had this angelic healing ability which they realized came from God. In modern times, healers using angelic energy are currently unknown. There may also be a quality of angelic energy associated with healing depending on the source of the angel providing the energy. The Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Healing and his angelic energy inside of you could be extremely potent for healing yourself and others. Even more powerful is the healing energy that might be given to you directly by God who of course created the angels long before humans evolved through Evolution and Creation. In the Bible, God healed King Hezekia who was destined to die but was given an additional fifteen years of life. I feel the same way about my wife Marcia who I believe was given many more years of life by God before she succumbed to liver cancer.

Nothing was working to help me get over my first episode of Bipolar Disorder in 1991 until I asked for a healing prayer from my Uncle Seymour. In my second major episode at the end of 1994, I didn’t say this prayer and it took months of suffering and an almost successful suicide attempt before God intervened in my life. I leave you with this prayer originally written in biblical times for the Jewish people.

Heal us O Lord

And we shall be healed

Save us

And we shall be saved

For Thou art our praise

Thou safe a perfect healing

To all our wounds

For Thou Almighty King

Are a fruitful and merciful Physician

Blessed art Thou O Lord

Who healest the sick of Thy people

Christian Meditation

Meditation is something that most everyone is familiar with, derived from the Latin word meditare which means to study or believe. However, not everyone is familiar with Christian meditation. There are many different meditation techniques and many of them are personalized, to meet the separate needs of the indvidual, or has been adapted by a person to maximize the effect for that individual. Christian meditation is no different than any other form of this relaxing practice. We will take a look at what Christian meditation is, why one might practice this and how it can be done.

There are a wide variety of benefits that come from any form of meditation. One of the biggest reasons is that it creates a feeling of relaxation that is almost impossible to attain in any other way. Some people claim to feel a sense of peace and happiness upon completion of their session. Others believe it opens a door that allows them to be more compassionate toward other people. Aside from the vast emotional benefits, there are many health benefits as well. These include but are not limited to improved memory, critical thinking, attention and decision making. There are also many benefits to the body as well such as a stronger immune system and a better cardiovascular system. There have been many studies that prove all of the above to be true. The health benefits alone prompt many people to try this all natural way toward a healthier life.

So what is Christian meditation? It is in fact no different than any other form of meditation except that it is based on the belief in Jesus Christ. When meditating, a person will repeat a phrase that is important to them or a question that they are dwelling on. In Christian Meditation, a person will repeat a phrase or a passage from the bible to help them meditate on a problem they may be trying to find an answer for. Some people are against this practice because it has ties to many other religions that they do not agree with. Others see the benefits that come from meditation and understand the power it unleashes in one’s mind, body and soul.

Christian meditation is a very simple practice, but unfortunately many people do not practice meditation because they are under false beliefs that you have to be a certain kind of person to achieve the relaxed state that is strived for. This is not only untrue it is unfortunate because meditation can be a great natural way for someone to solve a problem in their life that is causing them extreme stress. You do not need anything special to meditate; all that is needed is a quiet comfortable spot where you will not be distracted by people or material things. Some people chose to sit in a chair while others chose to sit cross legged on the floor. Lay your hands in your lap and focus on breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Silently repeat the mantra that is personal to you or your problem at the moment. While repeating this phrase, word or saying try to concentrate on your breathing while pushing all other thoughts from your mind. There is no wrong way to do this and if at first you do not feel as though you achieved what you set out to achieve, try again tomorrow! You will eventually get it!

Born to Win - Seven Action Steps Into Super Greatness

I'm certainly uttering the following confident assertion in your life that you were definitely brought into this world in order to be successful, you really have power inside of you.

I just completed going through a quite inspiring story by Daniel Gutierrez who is the whole world number one Latino Motivator. The book is entitled "STEPPING INTO GREATNESS - Success Is Up To You"

This novel has stimulated me to compose this post, because it concurs with all of my desire, aspirations, pursuits, ambition plus much more.

You're created to be victorious with success inside, but yet achieving success depends on you.

To actually enter into your greatness, you need to begin where you stand at this time and admit whom you are. Don't impersonate anybody, never attempt to be someone other than yourself.

You need to examine your own self within and examine all of the injures, the discomforts and the deficiencies. Inspite of the numerous disappointments you've been through, you're not any mistake.

Mistakes are not the end they are brief. they are really experiences that you have passed through that were supposed to reveal to you life lessons.

Just about every highly effective individual is a person who was unsuccessful, yet never ever regarded himself/herself as some sort of failure.

You Were Born to Win

1. Believe in Your God-Given Capability to Achieve success

You must exercise trust instead of doubtfulness. The 2 are just like fat and drinking water, they won't be combined.

Have faith in your own ability.

Believe in a power greater than yours.

There is no higher trust than your faith you placed in The almighty as well as in your self.

Let go of your constrained opinions and do not restrict yourself.

Many individuals have decrease them selves to what they feel they're able to attain. You may move as much as the mind will permit you. What your brain can conceive and acknowledge, that same brain can perform.

Utilize your mind's vision and see yourself getting into success.

You will have to believe it before you can witness it. Seeing is not trusting, that is doubting.

2. Get Past Your Old Self

Release your past and do not allow it to hold you back.

This step may take time, training plus patience, but it is crucial for you to let it go in order to make progress and formulate the particular lifestyle you are yearning for.

You had been born to win, your past is the historical past (just a tale), you should not tie yourself to that.

The Rev. Jack Hayford at one time said, "The past is a dead issue, and we cannot gain momentum moving toward tomorrow if we are dragging the past behind us".

If you'd like motivation and determination how to prevail over seemingly insurmountable and impossible issues, look at lifetime tale of people like Helen Keller, Booker T Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Nelson Mandela.

3. Manage Your Thought

If you say to your self, "I can't", you're correct. Should you tell your self, "indeed I can", you are equally right.

If you believe you can or you can not you're correct. The strength of thinking is really immense, it could direct the span of your daily life.

We become what we think about and focus upon constantly.

Whatsoever keeps our particular attention will determine our actions.

We are whatever we are and where we are because of the dominating belief that take up the brain.

This is how powerful our thoughts are:

Major Assumption: We can command our thoughts.

Minor Premise: Our feelings arrive through our opinion

Conclusion: We can easily command our emotions by learning to alter the way we believe.

It's the things we think about and focus on, not necessarily our situations, that determines our victory.

You have been created to succeed, practice to own very good beneficial thoughts to fill up your mind constantly.

The Holy Bible tells us ways to think: "What ever things are noble, what ever things are true, whatever things are right, whatsoever things are genuine, whatever things are beautiful, whatever things are excellent, if there be any quality and if there be any compliment, reflect on these

types of things".

4. Modify Your Attitude

Your attitude can determine success or failure.

Your mindset, not your aptitude, will determine your elevation.

For your lifestyle to improve, your attitude need to shift.

Our attitude lets us know what we anticipate from living.

Similar to an aeroplane, if our "nose" is pointing up we're kicking off; when it is pointing downward, we might be at risk of a crash.

You are created to succeed. The successful attitude sees the a glass half full rather than 1 / 2 empty, anticipate the very best rather than thinking the most severe, is positive of winning instead of frightened of disaster, is filled with gratitude rather than filled with grievance,

affirms it could be difficult but doable instead of saying it is possible but difficult.

Frequently our perspective is the single variation between successes and failure.

5. Be The Reason Behind Your Life

There are three kinds of folks in life.

One kind get things happen, yet another look at what is taking place and the 3rd question what is happening.

The majority of people live their life like life owes them some thing, so they relax and anticipate life to "do us" instead of "us doing life".

You are born to succeed, with greatness within. But in order for a person to step into their perceived greatness they have to get into action, take action and make thing come to pass.

The earth and our lives are controlled by common laws, one of these is that activity causes the same and opposite kind of reaction.

You were born to win, take a step, cause things to happen, take the risk.

If you're not prepared to risk the unconventional, you will have to accept the normal.

6. Be Wholly Committed to Your Ideal

If we are completely dedicated to obtaining our goals, we will allow nothing to avert us.

If we need success and wish for it badly enough, we will find a way even when there seems to be not a way.

If we are not fully committed, almost any little obstacle that comes our direction definitely will derail us.

In order to step into success, it can't be dealt with like a leisure activity - it's a obligation

7. Invest Seeds Which Assist Other Individuals

Achievement in everyday life is about establishing lasting relationships.

Be it family relationship, work relationship or business association, it is thinking about many other men and women desires and serving them to uncover their effectiveness within.

Zig Ziglar captures this thought perfectly, he stated "Guide other folks to receive what they need, and you'll have everything you need."

When you know your purpose in life and are building to reach your highest possible potential, then you are on the journey to take on greatness, because you were made to acquire and conquer.

3 Secret Cues to Feel Peaceful Inside

In this article I’ll show you three secrets to relaxing deeply. I say "secret" because you can use these simple techniques to feel peaceful inside without anyone else knowing what you're up to. These inner cues are also secret because they seem to have been lost in our culture. We are so caught up in the momentum of outer busyness that we’ve lost our natural ability to find inner calm. So, in this article, let’s explore how you can regain your peaceful center no matter what is going on around you.
You’re not alone if you have more to do than you have hours in the day. There are just so many demands on our energy and attention these days. If you’re constantly busy, overwhelmed by digital stimulation, and stressed out by the pressure to keep up, welcome to the high-speed information age.
Today, we interact more in virtual reality and less in-person. We are constantly bombarded with visual and auditory information and advertising. It’s a huge challenge to monitor all our digital devices, stay on top of our TO DO Lists, and have any semblance of sanity when it’s all said and done—and it’s never all said and done.
Because of all this mental input, we are less in touch with our bodies, feelings, and inner sensations. We also have less down-time, less personal space, and less access to quiet places. It’s no wonder that chronic stress is our number one health concern. We have lost our balance and our ability to relax deeply.
Yet, there’s hope. What if, in the midst of all this, you could find an oasis of inner calm? What if you could relax right here, right now, inside your own body? What if it was just a matter of following some simple inner prompts? Our body and brain have a natural relaxation response that you can learn to activate at will, anytime, anywhere.
Let’s explore three inner cues that free you from being caught up in the frenzy and connect you to a deeper peace that is always available when you know how to find it. You can remember them by 3S’s:
1. Space
2. Stillness
3. Silence
If you awaken these three inner sensations in your body, you’ll have three reliable cues that can take you to a place of deep relaxation no matter what is happening. Not only will these help you instantly feel better, they will even help you be more productive and efficient, while enjoying what you’re doing more.
So how can you experience inner space, stillness, and silence? I can show you how to do this very simply in your own body. If you’ll practice these simple suggestions right now, as I describe them to you, they will become more than just new bits of information in your brain. You’ll have a real, felt experience of what I’m talking about.
Let’s begin with inner space. You can practice this now by becoming aware of the feeling of the soles of your feet on the ground.. . Go ahead and try that. Feel the soles of your feet on the ground.. . Then shift your attention to feeling the palms of your hands.. . And then shift to feeling the top of your head.. .
Finally, see if it’s possible to feel your body as a whole from the inside. Can you feel the entire space inside your skin? .. .
Take a few, slow, deep breaths. Imagine and feel as if your whole body fills up as you inhale and your whole body empties out as you exhale. Take a few, slow, deep breaths in this way.. .
Now, do you have a feeling of your inner space, the space inside your skin?
Second, let’s focus on the feeling of stillness. Be as still as you can be and feel your whole inner space—perfectly still. Stay with that stillness feeling for a few moments.. .
Third, imagine that you are listening to a silence underneath all sounds. Imagine that there’s silence broadcasting deep inside your body and you are tuning into it. I suggest you don’t try to figure this out, just see if you can sense it. You may find that your mind gets real quiet for a moment as you do this. Listen to the silence underneath all sounds.. .
So, do you feel a little calmer? Do you feel a bit more peaceful and relaxed than before this little practice? Can you imagine how your life might be different if you make it a habit to take short breaks to practice these three cues throughout the day?
At first, these three cues may seem a bit “out there.” You may or may not get onto them fully right away. That’s O.K. and quite normal. We have allowed some of our inner senses to atrophy in our hyper-active culture.
If you can take even a few moments to feel your feet on the ground and take a few, slow, deep breaths, that’s a move in the right direction. The more you take these “little breathers” or “mini-meditations,” the more moments of peace you’ll bring into your life. Soon deep relaxation will become a reliable background experience that you can go to whenever you need.
To learn more about “inner body sensing” and “short meditations” to help you feel instantly peaceful, check out the Resource Box below.